Saturday, December 28, 2019

Gun Control Vs. Gun Rights - 968 Words

Gun Control vs. Gun Rights With conservatives, liberals, and moderates continuously arguing about what is right for this country or what is morally or politically correct, we are forced to find a compromised middle-ground, because it can be the difference between life and death in many unfortunate cases. Conservatives believe that The Second Amendment allows citizens the right to bear arms and protect their individual, inalienable rights. They believe that there are too many gun control laws and that these laws do not keep criminals from obtaining guns. On the other hand, Liberals believe that The Second Amendment is only meant for federal/state government to have the right to bear arms, as well as militias, and that it is law enforcement and only law enforcement’s job to protect citizens and have guns. To Liberals, more guns equals more violence. Even though the Liberal opinion is valid, and they have the right to express their opinions, their opinion could be considered incorrect. To be clear, Americans should not have their safety compromised. The world isn’t perfect, and those who participate in criminal activity will still possess and obtain guns illegally, and are out on the streets endangering the American public. On December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School, twenty children and six adults were killed at gunpoint. These twenty children were all under the age of seven years old. This tragedy will forever go down in history and be remembered in the hearts ofShow MoreRelatedGun Rights Vs. Gun Control856 Words   |  4 PagesGun control is an extremely controversial issue in the United States, and the debates around this topic has started many decades ago. According to the article â€Å"Gun Rights vs. Gun control† by Brianna Gurciullo, these debates are fueled by the people who defend the gun rights a nd the people who advocate in favor of gun control. It has been difficult to prove that gun ownership is directly related to an increase in violence due to the fact that researches tend to disagree on the impact of gun ownershipRead MoreGun Control Vs. Gun Rights1099 Words   |  5 PagesReflection Paper One: Gun Control Vs. Gun Rights Whether you gather your information from the newspaper, radio, or a website, you have certainly been exposed to one of the most controversial, current debates. It seems that the media refuses to stop talking about this topic. In fact, as soon as the press over one event disappears another event seems to revive the debate. Some citizens say that we need more restrictive gun laws. Meanwhile, other Americans say that more guns are what is necessary.Read MoreGun Control vs. Gun Rights Essay8911 Words   |  36 PagesRunning Head: GUN CONTROL VS. GUN RIGHTS Gun Control vs. Gun Rights By Robert Marlow For CJ 450 Senior Seminar Dr. Michael Eskey Park University September 2009 Abstract Gun control and gun rights have been an issue that has been debated for decades. Whenever there has been a mass shooting of any magnitude, it seems that the debate heats up even more. Consideration must be given as to what the benefits are of these gun control laws. Gun control laws must also be written asRead More Gun Control vs. Gun Rights Essays477 Words   |  2 Pagesstates â€Å" The right of the people to keep and bear arms†. What does that mean to us, basically and person in the United States is allowed to own and keep a fire arm in house. Gun control advocates believe that right does not extend to ownership of military-style firearms that are otherwise known as assault weapons. To curb gun-related violence certain checks are made, such as mandatory child safety locks, background checks on those wishing to purchase a gun, limits on the number of guns a person canRead More Gun Rights vs Gun Control Essay2049 Words   |  9 PagesStates has caused the gun control debat e to intensify. While anti-gun control advocates say the Second Amendment guarantees each individual the right to bear arms, the pro-gun control group reads the Second Amendment as a collective right to bear arms; meaning organized militia are the only ones with that right. This essay will analyse the effectiveness of several different articles which present arguments for and against gun control. Charles W. Collier’s article, â€Å"Gun Control in America: An AutopsyRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control949 Words   |  4 Pageswould be Gun Control, because I am a gun owner who is a supporter of the second amendment. With shootings and other gun related trouble happening all over our country those who create and maintain our gun laws have a big responsibility to take care of. The policy issue of gun control has both people who support the right to bear arms, while there are others who think all guns should be done away with, and this dispute should be something people care about in a legal context. When gun control is broughtRead MoreGun Rights And Gun Control994 Words   |  4 PagesIn recent times, gun control is becoming a social issue in the US after the many incidents or accident happened related to the gun owner’s kill’s people at the social places. Gun rights means the every person have right to take or carry guns for their self protection is created controversial issue related to criminal justice that needed the requirement for the gun control to stop people from killing each other. Moreover, on 2 Dec, 2015, two suspects those opened fire in a California social serviceRead More Gun Control in America Essay1426 Words   |  6 PagesGun Control in America The American Constitution and the Bill of Rights are amazing documents in their wording. Its writers showed astonishing foresight in some ways, and understanding that they could not accurately predict the future in others. These documents grant specific and vague powers to different departments of the Federal Government. The wording allows for changes to be made in its content and interpretation. One example of all these qualities, is the Second Amendment, and its interpretationRead MoreThe Bill Of Rights Of The United States1557 Words   |  7 PagesThe Bill of Rights lists certain freedoms and liberties that are guaranteed to the people of the United States of America. Because these rights are in the Constitution, they are federal laws that apply to everyone in America. To ensure there was no question as to who the Bill of Rights applied to, the Fourteenth Amendment was passed in 1868 giving anyone born in, or a citizen of, the United States the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The amendment left clauses giving some interpretationRead MorePersuasive Essay On Gun Control928 Words   |  4 Pages Gun violence has risen in America tremendously. According to the White, Over the past decade in America, more than 100,000 people have been killed because of gun violence and millions more have been the victim of assaults, robberies, and other crimes involving a gun. (Office of the Press Secretary). The most recent case where a gun was used to carry out an act of violence was the Las Vegas shooting that took place on October 1st,2017. During a concert, perpetrator Stephen Paddock opened

Friday, December 20, 2019

Marijuana Laws Restrict The Growth And Use Of Marijuana

Marijuana is â€Å" the dried leaves and female flowers of the hemp plant, used in cigarette form as [a] narcotic or hallucinogen.†(â€Å"Marijuana†) In the 17th century, marijuana production was encouraged and supported by U.S. legislation. Later, â€Å"during the 19th century,[marijuana] use became a fad in France and also, to some extent, in the U.S.†(â€Å" Marijuana Timeline†). During the 1920’s and 1930’s, the drug raised fears linked with illegal immigrants and criminal activity. (â€Å"Marijuana Timeline†). Then, during World War II, cannabis regained its popularity and support as â€Å"Hemp for Victory† (â€Å"Marijuana Timeline†). In the following years, the federal government created laws restricting the growth and use of marijuana. Specifically, drug†¦show more content†¦After extensive research on both sides of the issue, I believe marijuana should remain illegal in the United States. Some people believe that through the legalization of marijuana, our nation’s tax revenue will significantly increase. On the contrary, like many other drugs, such as alcohol and tobacco, taxation of the drug will cost the nation money. For example, as stated by Marty Nemko, a psychologist and career coach, knowledgeable on the effects of legal marijuana, states that â€Å"legal pot does not yield tax dollars, it costs tax dollars†(Nemko). As with the taxation of alcohol and tobacco, tax dollars are not increased as commonly thought due to the cost of dealing with addiction, driving under the influence, and domestic abuse or illness. (Miller) Likewise, if marijuana were legalized, its accessibility would cause a total loss in tax revenue. The Drug Abuse Resistance Education estimates â€Å"legalization†¦[of marijuana] would bring with it additional substance abuse in [states] and long-term public costs†¦ that would vastly exceed the ... amount of new revenue l egal weed might import.† (Miller) The California Board of Equalization estimates that treating the taxation of marijuana like alcohol or cigarettes would result in a tax revenue increase of a dollar while the nation would be spending $8.95 for treatment of marijuana drug abuse related cases (Miller) Since, the taxation of legal marijuana

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Case summary of benefits of team work Essay Example For Students

Case summary of benefits of team work Essay Benefits of teamwork:1. Author: Nada AbiSamra. Teams outperform individuals because teams generate a special energy. This energy develops as team members work together fusing their personal energies and talents to deliver tangible performance results. There are number of benefits for team work. Among them are:a)Distributing the workloadb)Reinforcing individual capabilitiesc)Creating participation and involvementd)Making better decisionse)Feeling like we play a part in the work being done. f)Generating a diversity of ideas, etc. 2. Publisher: Author: Sue CampbellWork teams are essential to organization success. The following benefits are described briefly. a)Job satisfaction: People who prefer group work are more satisfied with group work. b)Higher work group productivity: People working in groups are more productive when tasks require working together and when rewards are related to group success. Groups that had both integrated work and members on their team who had a high preference for group work had high productivity even when rewards were not group based. c)Brains and ability higher GPAs Jason D. Shaw, Michelle K. Duffy and Eric Ms. Stark, Interdependence and Preference for Group Work: Main and Congruence Effects on the Satisfaction and Performance of Group Members, Journal of Management 2000 Vol. 26 No. 2 pp. 259-279 3.Aircraft Maintenance Technology / March 1998 Issue. article talks about how teamwork is the foundation in the aircraft industry. How aircraft technicians have to depend on co-workers when a new aircraft is being developed and how important it is for them to get along as a team. The article talks about how to be a team player. How teamwork not only creates safety but efficiency. They work together, learn from each other and feel motivated. The article also defines the Keys to Teamwork. 4.Error, Stress, teamwork in medicine aviation. Author/s: J Bryan Sexton, Eric J Thomas, Robert L HelmreichIssue: March 18, 2000This article basically concludes (survey and statistical data included) that lack of team work increase the stress level in Medical and Aviation industry and cause uncorrectable errors.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Duopoly Coles vs Woolworths free essay sample

For most of us its just part of everyday life decisions. Where to shop for the week, Coles or Woolworths? Should I drink Pepsi or Coke today? Do I go to MYER or David Jones to buy new make up from? We take in consideration a few prices, how convenient it will be to get there, what would we rather do, and that’s it. But there’s something bigger behind this. What is the impact on such big rivals, for us and the economy? It’s not just about personal choices. Living and studying in Australia for the past 11 months, going to do my grocery shopping at Coles or at Woolworths has become part of my routine. And because it is such an ordinary thing to do, we tend to forget that we make part of a much bigger picture, and are contributing to several factors regarding the Australian economy. However, this race for the best has its advantages and disadvantages, and of course, this is affecting us as well. The Price War One of the advantages of this never ending battle for us customers, are the low prices. Because there is such a big competition for prices, each of the supermarket brands will try to make it as affordable as possible to the consumer, as a reaction to get competitive advantage. One big example of this war is the milk price. Both supermarkets can sell milk for $1. It is very difficult to make any profit if you’re selling products at such a low price, as Rob Murray, the chief executive for the food and beverage group Lion stated. However this issue does not affect us consumers on a day-to-day basis, and the low prices keep us happy and of course, keep us shopping at these big supermarkets. Everyone wins with the Rewards Programs Another good thing for the shoppers at these two big chains is the rewards systems they have. And we win again. Despite the cheaper price war having been leaded by Coles the majority of times, Woolworths seems to have another way of fighting. Their CEO Grant O’Brien came out with a new strategy: the Everyday Rewards. The more the customer shops, the more discount they get. Users of the cards get exclusive offers, discount on fuel and can even earn Qantas flyer points. And not only in Woolworths, they have retail partners like Big W, Dick Smith and Cellarmasters that will also benefit the customer. Coles also has their rewards system, the Flybuys. With this card, apart from the exclusive offers on Coles and affiliated firms products, the customer collects points at every purchase, which can later be changed by different prizes. But this is not only good for the consumers. Its basically the company saying that they will give us prizes, in exchange for our information. A Rewards system allows the firm to collect data about their customers, which they can use in their favour, to create loyalty and promote trust. With the Everyday Rewards, Woolworths has been able to collect a good amount of information, while Flybuys is still in the process of build its strength. Easy and Simple Another very good thing for the customer about these two big brands is the convenience. Everywhere we go, every big shopping center and busy area in a suburb will have at least one of the two, if not both. Coles and Woolworths have very strong analysts that will know where to place their shops, and if there is an area lacking one, it’s probably not because they are still to build one, but because that are would not be so profitable yet. So for us, wherever we want to shop, we can always find one of these, and do not have to travel any long distance to get to one of these stores, as they are located almost everywhere too. Even for the most loyal customer from the small shops, sometimes it’s a lot more convenient to visit one of the big supermarkets, and they will end up buying something from there. Someone might be losing Unfortunately it’s not all flowers. For us to be paying such low prices, someone is losing money somewhere, and it’s not the big supermarkets. Because they are such big brands, suppliers need to have their products in their shelf. Coles and Woolworths claim they have built very strong relationships with their suppliers, and it might be true, but a lot of the smaller suppliers are getting ripped off. They â€Å"bully† the suppliers to sell their products at really low prices, and they know they have this power, otherwise they won’t sell enough. They will also charge more to have the  products placed in good positions on their shelves. A lot of the times the prices suppliers are charging are so small, that they are struggling to survive with these sales, and it generates another whole big problem. Creating Enemies The ones losing with the big duopoly from Coles and Woolworths are the smaller suppliers, and the smaller shops too. But not every customer is just happy in paying small prices, they want to make sure everyone involved is protected. For this reason, there is a big pressure on ACCC from suppliers and the smaller businesses which don’t have a chance to compete. There is a party called Australian Green, and they fight strong against the practices these two supermarkets have againg farmers and small suppliers. Their objective, as they state on the website, is to â€Å"tackle the supermarket duopoly†, and the measures they are willing to take are strong. For example, put a temporary ban on expansion from Coles and Woolworths, or stopping this duopoly to purchase agricultural land, so they can’t control the whole supply chain. The ACCC is also holding an investigation about the bullying of suppliers. While most of us will not care that much about the situation these su ppliers are in, or will not have option to shop somewhere else, there is a big group who does care. These are customers who are willing to pay more, but do their groceries in a small shop so they can help that business, and also do not buy the products from exploited suppliers. No more competition Unfortunately, the group of very unhappy customers mentioned before is not large enough to make sure the small businesses will survive. With such low prices and big chains, the two major supermarkets will not give a chance for a smaller business to survive in the middle of this war. It is just impossible to compete with the two major supermarkets prices and their powerful middlemen, and the small shops start disappearing. Without competition, a lot of the products that do not have space on Coles or Woolworths shelves may also disappear, and this will also have a big impact on the economy as there is unemployment rising. This process will damage Australia food’s industry, and with the lack of new firms it might mean a lack of new products, and the whole market can go stale. Tricking the customers To have products at such low prices, as it was mentioned before, the suppliers will end up losing. But the customers might also lose sometimes. For example, the free range eggs case. Both Coles and Woolworths claim that they want to help customers switch from industrialised to free range eggs, by cutting the prices on the second one. However, the suppliers pay for the price that we are not, as it is impossible to have a free range egg production at such low prices. The customer will end up buying free range eggs thinking they are contributing to improve the animal welfare standards from the supermarkets, however, they do not know that they are still purchasing the â€Å"industrialised† free range eggs, the free range version of these two big supermarkets. Even though it seems there are more disadvantages to small businesses and suppliers than there are advantages for us customers, it is not the number, but the quality of these advantages that count. This battle is far from the end, because it is not likely that the masses will stop shopping at Coles or Woolworths anytime soon. However, the ones that are more conscious about it can only expect that it will make a difference in the future, when the ACCC take strong measures or the political inaction ends, and someone who genuinely cares and is strong enough to change this is put in charge. In the meanwhile, we will keep enjoying the convenience to just walk for 10 minutes and find a shop, or receive rewards and discount on products and even fuel, and keep ignoring all the ones losing from this. In the end, it is a battle and someone will lose. If not the big duopolistic market, a part of the population will pay.